Solidarität mit Vulturilor Street!


In Bukarest, Rumänien, wurden am 15. September 100 Menschen mit aller Härte aus einem Gebäudekomplex in die Obdachlosigkeit geräumt. Die Gebäude wurden unmittelbar eingerissen. In der Nachbarschaft wurde jedoch sofort ein Widerstandscamp eingerichtet. An den Protesten ist auch die Gruppe FCDL (Common Front for Housing Rights (Frontul Comun pentru Dreptul la Locuire)) beteiligt, die Widerstand gegen Zwangsräumungen organisiert.

Auch in Bukarest führt die kapitalistische Stadt und der Rassismus gegen Bevölkerungsgruppen zu Zwangsräumungen, Obdachlosigkeit und Ausschluss. Die FCDL bittet zunächst um Solidarität und Verbreitung der Ereignisse: Aufruf und Website der FCDL(In Englisch)

Zur Unterstützung haben wir neben dem Foto einen kleinen Text nach Bukarest geschickt:

Solidarity with the Resistance Camp of Vulturilor str, Bucharest!

We from the Alliance Against Eviction in Berlin strongly condemn the eviction of the community at 50 Vulturilor Street, Bucharest, Romania. It’s again an example of a common housing policy in most european cities where property rights prevail over housing rights and are enforced by state repression. Also in Berlin several roma families, refugees and homeless people have lately been evicted from the “Cuvry-brache” (a former urban wasteland at the spree-river) – the last inner-city space where self-build shelfs where available for the once excluded from the housing marked. For many years the Cuvry-brache has been an item of speculation owned by a real estate investor, who is now planning to build high class apartments and offices with spree-river view. The eviction of the Cuvry-brache, which has become a home for many people in the last two years, took place after a case of incendiarism in the night of 25.09.2014. Since then most of the inhabitants remain homeless and police is constantly preventing every new settlement.

We appreciate to hear about the Resistance Camp as an example of organized resistance where people fight for their rights and we want to express our solidarity.

We encourage the community to keep protesting until their demands are met and the housing issue becomes a priority for the local authorities. For housing rights and a right to the city for everyone!

Also, solidarische Grüße nach Bukarest an die Zwangsgeräumten, FCDL, und rebellische Nachbarschaft!